So here I am. Could not keep my promise of posting regularly. Well, this time I can blame the higher powers. My laptop crashed and it took quite a while to get it fixed. Well, all's well that ends well.
In the meantime, I have finished my term 5. Which means I am done 62.5% of my MBA. Time is flying. I remember, last year I was struggling hard with my essays and spending sleepless nights on why mba, short term goals, and long term goals and trying to convince adcom gods about my plans. Well, one year down the line, I am in a Bschool and ironically, again confronting with same question. I am quite confused about the career options. Not that I have too many choices available, but I am still not able to make up my mind.
On the other hand, we have officially started our placement season. Today we had our first company for Pre-placement talk(PPT). Did not get much positive vibrations from the company, but its a good sign that companies are interested. The placement process for EPGP at IIMB will be little different than PGP. PGP process usually last only for 4-5 days with companies making beeline for day 0, day 1. Here we have diverse profile and would be looking for diverse job opportunities. So the companies will be invited one at a time and interested students will be applying accordingly.
Tomorrow we are starting our next term. Yeah! no break! But after 6th term we have 2 weeks off. So looking forward to it. I have heard that many aspirants have got interview invite from IIMB-EPGP. Some of the applicants have contacted me and inquired about interview preparation. I have shared my brief interview experience earlier. But here it is again: Generally interviews are fairly straightforward and most of the questions are from SOP. You will be asked about your professional experiences, hobbies, goals and why mba. Some generic questions on latest development in india might be asked as well. No hardball questions as per I know. In short, fairly straightforward and chilled out. So just relax and be yourself.
Feel free to contact me if you need any more info. Good luck.
Revisiting those days of innocence
6 years ago
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