Friday, March 5, 2010

Done with Term 8

yaaay!! Finally, finished my Term 8 exams last week and that brings to end of studies for me. I still have to finish my comprehensive project and a presentation. That would be done by early next week.

What a journey so far!! Amazing experience, amazing learning. I am completely satisfied with the academics, administrations, facilities and infrastructure at IIMB. So far, never went to this kind of rigor in my academic career.

I am still looking for a job of my choice, though I already have offer from the campus. But I am trying to see if I can get something better and in the field I want to be. Let's see if that works out. I am going to give it a shot for another month.
Overall, placements were good, most of us got a job, there are few remaining but most of them are in some pipeline and we are hoping they will close it by next week.

That should bring successful end of one year, fun and enjoyable journey in IIMB EPGP. We have our convocation on 29th March and hopefully, I will be walking and taking degree for final time in my life.

Lot of things happen in last few months when I totally disappeared. We had interaction with incoming batch and they are bunch of bright and fun people. I got chance to interact with many of them in various meetings and I think they have the same stars in their eye as we had. Now, with most of the things have been set by us, and we have shared our learnings with them, I am sure they will have a fun-ride here. With economy showing signs of improvement, I am confident their placements will be much better than us. Good luck to them.